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Royals AGM 2021

Royals AGM 2021

Justin Hewgill9 Aug 2021 - 19:00
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In accordance with clause 24 of the Constitution of Royals RFC notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the club will be held at 20:00 on Wednesday 18 August 2021 at the Grainville clubhouse.

The business to be transacted at the meeting will be as per the following agenda.
1. Receive the report from the Committee on the proposals for 2021/22 season.
2. Presentation & approval of the financial accounts for the year to 31 May 2021.
3. Receive details of and approve the membership fees for 2021/22 season.
4. Election of the Officers of the Committee.
5. AOB

NB Election of Committee

Clause 24 of the Constitution states that all members of the Committee shall retire at the end of the AGM each year but shall automatically be eligible for re-election. Clause 25 of the Constitution states that any member may stand for any position on the Club Committee subject to being proposed and seconded in writing by two other members.

Anyone wishing to stand should notify the Secretary of their candidacy no less than 7 days before the date of the AGM. Where two or more members are seeking election to the same position, they shall each be entitled to address the members present at the AGM for 5 minutes to explain their reasons for seeking office and the skills and abilities they would bring to the role. Negative statements about other candidates will be strictly forbidden.

Details of the current Committee positions and their current post holders are attached.


Royals AGM Notice 2021

Further reading